Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Christmas cards

Here they are! 2008 Christmas card samples. They are a mixture of some seen last year and some new ones. Why waste great cards styles from last year?! Sorry you have to see my family over and over but I wanted to focus to be on the card rather than on the picture. These are classy press printed cards that can be printed glossy if you would like...or my favorite matte finish. The awesome part of these cards (other than they look wonderful) is that you may choose your favorite picture to be placed on the backside of the card. When the holidays are over your recipients have a 5x7 picture of your family to frame for the next year! The cards will be in a gallery in the proofing area. You choose the number of the card you would like and I make the card and place it in your gallery for purchase. It's that easy!

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4

Card 5

Card 6

Card 7

Card 8

Card 9

Card 10

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